Pride Month: the Aromantic Flag

Pride Month: the Aromantic Flag

Aromantic (or Aro) is a romantic orientation that describes feeling little to no romantic attraction to other sexes. Aromantic as an identity in itself means that no romantic attraction is felt. However, there is a spectrum of other (arospecific) identities that feel...
Pride Month: the Non-Binary Flag

Pride Month: the Non-Binary Flag

Non-binary or genderqueer is an umbrella term for gender identities that are not exclusively male or female – identities that fall outside the gender binary. Non-binary identities fall under the term trans because non-binary people usually identify with a gender...
Pride Month: the Leather Flag

Pride Month: the Leather Flag

The leather pride flag is a symbol used by the leather subculture since the 1990s. It was designed by Tony DeBlase, and was quickly embraced by the gay leather community. He first presented the design at International Mister Leather on May 28, 1989 and it has since...
Pride Month: the Straight Ally and Straight Flag

Pride Month: the Straight Ally and Straight Flag

A straight flag or heterosexual flag is a Pride flag that is meant to represent heterosexuality. A flag that consists of alternating black and white stripes and has a similar design to the LGBTIQ rainbow flag was created to represent heterosexual Pride. There are...
Pride Month: the Pansexual Flag

Pride Month: the Pansexual Flag

The pansexual flag has been widely used since the early 2010s, when it was posted on an anonymous Tumblr account by its creator Jasper V. The flag functions as a symbol of the pansexual community, just as the LGBT flag is used as a symbol for lesbian, gay, bisexual,...
Pride Month: the Bear Brotherhood Flag

Pride Month: the Bear Brotherhood Flag

The International Bear Brotherhood Flag, also known as the Bear Flag, is a Pride flag intended to represent the bear subculture within the LGBTIQ community. The colours of the flag – dark brown, orange/rust, golden yellow, light brown, white, grey and black...