Rosa Lëtzebuerg Walkers:

As you may already know, Rosa Lëtzebuerg has undertaken many hikes over the past years with the Rosa Hikings. These were all part of IVV hikes organized by FLMP member organizations. Since the beginning of this year, Rosa Lëtzebuerg has also become a member of the FLMP (Fédération Luxembourgeoise de Marche Populaire).

This means that from now on, you can apply for an FLMP membership card through Rosa Lëtzebuerg, which is free for our members. With this card, you can participate in all hikes organized by FLMP organizations in Luxembourg and other IVV organizations abroad, and you are insured during these hikes. You can also get stamps for your completed hikes in your own IVV booklet.

If you are interested, please send us a short email with your name and home address to Your hiking membership card will then be sent to you by mail. On the FLMP website, you can also find a calendar with information about the many IVV hikes:

An FLMP hike organized under IVV guidelines has many advantages. Besides the fresh air, exercise, and the chance to make new acquaintances, you can explore new trails. During the hike, there are regular check stations where you can eat or drink something. However, the greatest advantage of an IVV hike is the guarantee that you are not alone, in case an accident happens along the way.

We are also excited to announce that during this year’s Pride Week, there will be the first Rainbow Walk in Luxembourg, organized by an established association in collaboration with Rosa Lëtzebuerg. More information will follow in the next newsletter. But mark July 7, 2024, in your calendar already. We look forward to seeing you!

As a little motivation, we also want to reveal that the person among our members who has hiked the most kilometers by the end of the year will receive a gift from Rosa Lëtzebuerg.

So, dust off your hiking shoes and off you go!