In addition to the joint press release sent out yesterday by the CID Fraen a Gender, Rosa Lëtzebuerg would like to update its position following this morning’s debates in the Petitions Committee.
While Luxembourg reaffirms its commitment to an education system focused on equality, inclusion and the well-being of every pupil, significant challenges remain. The rights of LGBTIQA+ pupils are still undermined by discrimination and violence in the school environment, in contradiction with the objectives of the national education policy and the fundamental principles of human rights.
Petition no. 3198 calls for LGBTIQA+ issues to be removed from school curricula for minors. It reflects a worrying ideological approach that stigmatises LGBTIQA+ identities by presenting them as a danger or an ideology, while ignoring scientific realities. It is also clear that the portrayal of the LGBTIQA+ community as a danger stems from a fear of the unknown. The presenters of the petition have shown that this fear is not based on factual information from the school curriculum or educational philosophy on life in society as a whole.
Petition 3198 is part of a worldwide trend of repressive laws against LGBTIQ+ people. Recent political developments in the United States show that there are no limits to the harmful invisibilisation of the LGBTIQ+ community and that the consequences for the community are fatal. These approaches, based on censorship and exclusion, only serve to make LGBTIQA+ people invisible and perpetuate inequality.
According to a recent study by the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA), 68% of LGBTIQA+ people surveyed in Luxembourg said they had experienced harassment, mockery or threats at school. This discriminatory behaviour has serious repercussions: isolation, reduced academic performance, depressive disorders and, in some cases, suicidal thoughts. Ignoring these realities only exacerbates the exclusion of the pupils concerned and jeopardises their mental health and development.
Petition No. 3198, like the rhetoric that accompanies it, runs counter to human rights, the government’s coalition contract for inclusive education and the objectives of social cohesion. It fuels an anti-queer climate that only serves to divide society. By contrast, Petition No. 3281, which is currently before the House of Commons, proposes concrete measures to strengthen the inclusion of LGBTIQA+ issues in education and create a safe school environment for all pupils.
Inclusive education is one response to these challenges. Despite the long-standing efforts of queer associations and their allies, a 2023 study conducted by the University of Luxembourg showed that LGBTIQA+ issues are still not consistently integrated into school curricula. This invisibilisation prevents pupils from better understanding diversity and developing in an environment where their identity is recognised. Inclusive education aims to promote fundamental values of respect, diversity and equality. It plays a crucial role in preventing violence, harassment and discrimination.
Mainstreaming LGBTIQA+ issues goes beyond individual concerns. It contributes to building a fairer and more inclusive society, where human rights are respected and every student can achieve their full potential. By taking action today, Luxembourg can become a model of inclusive education, guaranteeing each pupil an environment conducive to personal development and respect for their dignity.
We call on policy-makers, educators and society as a whole to firmly reject anti-queer rhetoric and promote education based on diversity and inclusion.