Multigender is a gender identity in which a person experiences more than one gender. Generally, multigender is used as an umbrella term for any gender identity that involves more than one gender at a time. This includes identities such as bigender, pangender and even fluid identities such as genderfluid and genderflux.

A person who is multigender can identify as any number of genders at the same time, including genders such as agender and neutrois. They can also use whatever pronouns they want, and they may or may not physically transition. Although people can self-identify as multigender, it is sometimes explained that this is equivalent to identifying as trans without further specification, such as identifying as a trans woman or a non-binary gender.

Purple (top and bottom bars): Being both partially masculine and feminine at once
Blue: Being partially masculine genders
Orange: Being partially a gender that is outside the masculine-feminine spectrum


In Luxembourg, there is actually no such thing as Pride Month. We have a Pride Week that takes place every year in July. Click on Luxembourg Pride to get all the information about it.


You still want to dress up for this year’s Luxembourg Pride? Then check out our shop!

Purple = partially male and female at the same time
Blue = partially male
Orange = partly a gender outside the binary spectrum
Blue = partially male
Purple = partially male and female at the same time